Friday, July 8, 2016

Report refltcion

Report Reflection for Mid Year

How have the learning muscles helped you with your learning in Maths and/or Literacy and in one other learning area for example Matariki, P.E, Art or Camp?

  • No bling
  • Options = Maths & Literacy plus one other listed
  • Maths or Literacy plus one other listed (e.g. maths and your choice; literacy and your choice)    

Maths,Literacy & Matariki
The learning muscles that helped me was working together(collaboration). At maths time it always  make your brain muscle stretch to learn more stuff like the rich task because we have to do the perimeter,area and the volume and we had to use material so it is good for your brain.When it was Matriki time we had to stretch our brain to make our Matariki art.I did sewing so I can learn more about sewing.If I got stuck I would ask Chahat and if she got stuck she would ask me.    

Explanation of tigers

                  ALL ABOUT  TIGERS:            
A tiger is a native animal to India. A tiger is a animal that lives in the jungle but not just a jungle but different kind of jungle.
The fur is striped. If you look carefully you can see the stripes is like it’s painted but it’s not painted because the fur is black and light yellow. Tigers have stripes because when they are hunting they can hide to catch the meat. But some tigers have black or white fur.
The tiger's eyes glow in the night.When it’s night tigers also use their long thin whiskers to find animals and it is called science of small  Tigers have scary looking eyes and sharp teeth and claws. Also tigers don’t need light because they have FANTASTIC eyes to hunt.
Tigers like to eat Bengal tigers, Sloth, bear, Insects, Plants, Buffalo, Dhole, Sambar deer and a wild board.        
Tiger has long sharp teeth.
The adult tigers like to live and hunt on their own.And tigers are also big cats.Big and little are different because big and little are not the same little are cute and big are scary.  
Tiger cubs are so cute but if they grow up they will bite you and it will use it sharp claws to scratch you.So tigers   are is not good for a pet and do not keep it put it in the wild or the jungle.

Reflection:My reflection was having lots of ideas and
describing what,how,where and why tigers are like that.  


Masters of movement

Name Of Article
Before Questions
During Questions
After Questions

Golden Eagle:
Where did the Golden Eagle get its name?
Dose the golden Eagle many Enemies?
How are Golden Eagles so fast?

Why are Cheetahs so Fast?
Are Cheetahs Predators
Golden Eagle:
How fast can they Fly?
What is their favourite prey?
Where can you find the Golden Eagle?
Are Golden Eagles Predators?

Where can you find a Sailfish?
Which kind of ocean or sea are they in?
Can there be A faster fish than a Sailfish?
What Kind of food does the Sailfish eat?
Why is a sloth so slow?
How are bees the slowest flying animal?
When are The Golden Eagle not hunting for its prey?
When do the Cheetahs usually go hunting for its prey?
What kind of animals are fast?
Underwater: Sailfish
Flying animals: Golden Eagle
On land: Cheaters

What are the fastest animals on land?
A cheetah is the fastest animal on land it can run up to 100 kilometers per hour in distance.

What are the fastest animal in the water?
A Sailfish is the fastest animal in the water because its huge fins can push its way through the water.

What is the fastest flying animal?
A Golden Eagle is the fastest flying animal it can dive and turn itself to catch its prey and it is also like and acrobat.